Monday, August 7, 2023

Cookies for the weekend


Happy Monday to everyone.

This coming weekend we have two different cookies available for ordering:  chocolate chip pecan and butterscotch pecan.  Yes, I like pecans.  They are a wonderful lightly sweet nut that is perfect in baked goods.

For the next weekend, you can order brownies and raspberry sweet cream.  While I am not a fan of chocolate covered strawberries, I am more accepting of raspberry combined with chocolate.  While these two items weren't selected to be eaten together, I would not be surprised to find that some of you who orders these might put the cream on top of the brownie.  I've done that, and it tastes pretty darn good.

That's all for now.  Just this quick update regarding the upcoming two weekend menu offerings.

I will be back soon again with a few more items that are being added to the menu.

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