Monday, August 21, 2023

A late Sunday email on Monday

Good Monday morning.  I almost always get a new post out on Sundays.  But yesterday I had a bit of an issue with a lower back muscle that I strained, and by the end of the day it was best for me to simply lie  down and relax and let it start to heal.  Today it's tender, but on the mend.  I am carefully going about my normal routine, being very careful that I don't disturb the healing process.  I managed to cut a watermelon today and that might be the only thing I do in the kitchen, all in the interest of recuperating.

This coming weekend we have lemon snickerdoodles and ginger spice cookies ready for ordering.  And the following weekend we have double chocolate pudding and double chocolate cookies.  Yes, double chocolate for both.

Today as I stay calm and relaxed, I will perhaps try to get caught up on some new additions to the menu.  That's the task that is foremost in my mind.  

That's all for now.  I will be back again soon this week with more updates.

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