Thursday, August 31, 2023



Scones, muffins, omelets, French toast.... I love breakfast foods, especially those that are freshly made.

So why is it that I like the occasional boxed cereal, processed in all its modern-day glory to the nth degree.  

As a kid, boxed cereals, especially the sweet ones that are seemingly pure sugar and therefore the utmost in luxury for a 9-year old, were only rarely to be found on our breakfast table.  I remember when I got to college and discovered the all-you-can-eat buffets that were part of every meal at my particular university.  At last this meant that I could have breakfast cereal every morning, and even for lunch and dinner as well.  Captain Crunch, here I come.

Well, as an post-college adult, I have at least learned that all those sugary cereals aren't really what I want.  But I still have a craving for them sometimes.  And I still will eat the occasional boxed cereal, but now it's something a little less unhealthy -- perhaps a Quaker granola cereal, or my favorite brand of corn flakes (which is an off-brand, Best Choice).   

Still, though, when I eat one of those less-unhealthy cereals, I'm eating highly processed food that has gone through the wringer and is undoubtedly simply not as good for me as fresh made-from-scratch foods.  

So why is it I still love to eat them from time to time.  I will probably never know the exact reason.  

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