Friday, July 21, 2023

Macaroni and cheese


Happy Friday to everyone.

Today we have a new item added to the menu.

At long last, I have finished all my tweaks and tests on a number of mac and cheese variations.  And I have selected this one in the photo above.

It is creamy and satisfying.  It is made with a blend of three different cheeses.  And best of all, it reheats beautifully.  Any pasta with a cheese sauce can be problematic when it comes to reheating.  So to have this ready for addition to the menu is especially rewarding.  

I'll put it on a weekly offering sometime soon so that everyone can try it out.

Coming up next for addition to the menu:  some new flavors of cookie dips.

Other projects in the works:  sandwiches with special sauces, a strawberry cream cake, and a hazelnut cream cake.

Talk to you all soon again.  Back into the kitchen I go.

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