Sunday, July 23, 2023

Hazelnut cake


It is a hot late July day.  And the week will only get hotter.  I'm spending the day in the kitchen despite the heat.  Before I get to that, here's what's up for the next weekly offering.

This coming weekend we have berry fools and chocolate fudge cake available for ordering.  The following weekend, the first weekend in August, I will take off the time to do some other things.

Today, I made a hazelnut cake.  Technically, I started yesterday and finished today.  This is a three-layer cake with a German hazelnut buttercream frosting, a chocolate hazelnut filling between layers, and garnished with Ferrero Rocher hazelnut milk chocolate bar pieces and also roasted hazelnuts.

It was a very fun cake to make.  I've been working on various hazelnut items for a while, and I think this is ready to go on the menu in a smaller version.  

I'll be back in a day or two with a few more updated new items on the menu.  For now, have a great Sunday afternoon.  Stay cool.  And as always, eat some fun food.

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