Friday, July 14, 2023

A new cake


It's 96 F outside right now.  But I'm inside and staying cool while working on food.  Today's kitchen work is mint chocolate chip ice cream and vanilla macarons for this weekend's orders.  Everything is almost completed.  Later today I will make a baked Italian breaded chicken dish.  

This week I've done a lot of kitchen work, I mean a lot, a whole lot, tons and tons.  And one of the things that I did was finish the final tweaks on a new cake for the menu.

As of today, you can find chocolate fudge sandwich cakes.  This is a small rich chocolate cake that is split in half and filled with a chocolate cream.  Then the whole thing has rich fudgy icing poured over it which sets and gives it a very pleasant look.

Each of these square cakes is a bit over 4 inches across, so they are perfect for one or two people.  

Lots and lots of chocolate in this makes it truly delicious.

I promise to put on a weekly menu offering sometime soon.

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