Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lemon snickerdoodles


Good morning!  We have a new item on the menu.  This is a new variety of snickerdoodle with lemon.  Yes, lemon.  

I have tweaked my snickerdoodle recipe and added a generous amount of lemon zest.  It is a wonderfully flavorful cookie that is decidedly different than the original.  Both are now offered on the menu.

Lemon, anything citrus, to be honest, is something that I think can be added to so many things.  It brightens up flavors.  It adds a lightness.  It makes things genuinely "sunny".

Anyway, these will make an appearance soon on the weekly menu offering, probably offered alongside the original snickerdoodles so that everyone can compare with an immediate taste test.

That's all for now.  Have a great day!

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