Friday, September 9, 2022

Berry fools

Does anyone not like berries?  If you can find someone who doesn't, then try to find out what is wrong with them -- because, seriously, how can anyone not like berries......

These berry fools are now on the menu.  Layers of mixed cream and strawberries and raspberries ... just a nice simple fruity dessert.  This tastes refreshing and wholesome.  And I think everyone will love it.

I remember when I was kid having something we called raspberry ribbon pie.  And we also had quite a lot of strawberries growing in a very large area on our property.  And during my young years on the west coast, I remember eating fresh boysenberries.  And I remember falling in love with blueberry pancakes and muffins very early on in my life.  As a teen, I loved to make crepes and fill them with wild black raspberries and cream.

I love berry syrups.  I love berry desserts.  I love berries by themselves.

How can anyone not like berries?

Have a great late summer day!

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