It is a beautiful Sunday morning here in Kansas City. The picture above is not from today. It is much too late in the season to see iris blooms like this. But the picture is a reminder that although the current growing season is waning, a new one is just around the corner after a wonderful autumn and a sparkling winter have their say.
This coming weekend, I'm taking time off to work on some foods. For the following weekend, two cookies are on the menu. It's a great time sit down with a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate on a cool autumn day and nibble on satisfyingly sweet cookies.
If you are in the neighborhood, feel free to pop in and join me for a cookie or two. We can eat outside in the cool clear air and watch the hummingbirds as they drink as much as they can before heading out for their southerly migration. Deer might stop by as often happens. They seem to love some of the plants in my landscape beds, and they certainly love to sneak some of the birdseed from the bird feeding stations. We might see the groundhog that lives somewhere in the neighborhood and makes an appearance in my backyard from time to time. Perhaps a hawk will swoop down trying to catch something it sees rooting around in my yard. I've seen that on more than one occasion. And a family of foxes lives nearby. Maybe we'll see them passing through if it's early in the morning or late in the day.
Today I'm making some sandwich rolls, doing a new batch of high-protein gluten-free ice cream that I'm developing as a special request for oldest daughter, mixing up a tropical smoothie with papaya and pineapple and other wonderful sweet fruits, and maybe a few other things as well. I have a very free day ahead of me so I'm looking forward to making these delicious foods, watching a movie or two and listening to some great piano music. And also talking to someone who is very special to me.
I hope your Sunday is as pleasant as mine. Talk to you all again soon.