Sunday, August 14, 2022

Semisweet hot fudge sauce

Summer is almost over.  But it's always a good time for ice cream no matter the heat or the cold.  And something new to the menu is perfect for that:  semisweet hot fudge sauce.  This will come chilled and ready to heat up in the microwave or on the stove top.  I'll put it on a weekly meu soon.

This coming weekend we have deviled eggs and coleslaw ready to be ordered.

Next weekend, gougeres and triple chocolate chunk cookies can be ordered.  The cookies are making their first appearance on a weekly menu.  I hope everyone enjoys them.

A busy day is ahead for me.  I will be making a batch, and taking pictures for the ordering site update, of a dark chocolate hot fudge sauce for ice creams that is being added to the menu to go along with the semisweet hot fudge sauce mentioned above.  I will be working on a cauliflower soup as well.  And maybe playing around with some salads which I have been thinking of adding to the menu.

A busy day, but a fun day.  And while I'm doing all that, either music or movies will be playing in the background.

Have a great day everyone.  Enjoy the coming week where it seems that our summer heat is going to begin to give way to more autumnal weather.   

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