Sunday, May 21, 2023

Summer foods

Good morning to all!

This coming weekend we have savory egg salad and cole slaw ready for ordering.  And for the first weekend in June, you can order creamy egg salad and berry fools.

All of these are great summer foods, cool indulgences as the temperatures slowly start to build as the weeks pass.

I remember as a kid, sometimes we would have hot summer days, and on a whim we'd go to the store and get the makings for cool tuna salad sandwiches, chips, and ice cream.  And if we were lucky enough, we'd have a late afternoon thunderstorm build that would cool things down even more.

I loved those impromptu meals that were fun and unplanned, and the food was always cool and easy to fix.

I still like to do similar things now as an adult.  So enjoy these cool summer foods that are on offer. 

July is coming up.  I take a complete break from teaching for the entire month.  And I have plans to spend the month making lots of new foods.  It will be a fun month, and hopefully I will make some good progress on my cooking to-do list.

Enjoy this nice summer Sunday.  

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