Thursday, April 27, 2023

Lemon snickerdoodles


Good morning!  We have a new item on the menu.  This is a new variety of snickerdoodle with lemon.  Yes, lemon.  

I have tweaked my snickerdoodle recipe and added a generous amount of lemon zest.  It is a wonderfully flavorful cookie that is decidedly different than the original.  Both are now offered on the menu.

Lemon, anything citrus, to be honest, is something that I think can be added to so many things.  It brightens up flavors.  It adds a lightness.  It makes things genuinely "sunny".

Anyway, these will make an appearance soon on the weekly menu offering, probably offered alongside the original snickerdoodles so that everyone can compare with an immediate taste test.

That's all for now.  Have a great day!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Spring and summer and good foods


It is a little chilly here in Kansas City this morning, but the sun is shining and it feels good to be out in it.  Spring is definitely here and summer will soon show it's first hints.  But for now it appears our spring will remain mild and pleasant.  Perfect for outdoor bonfires and good food.  And I'm planning just such an event very soon.

This coming weekend we have raspberry meringue kisses and ginger spice cookies ready for ordering.  Next weekend, you can order oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies.  

Today is National English Muffin Day!  Once again, as I've written before, I have no idea how certain days become designated to honor something like this.  However, most of us love English muffins and so why not have a day to honor them.

I have been thinking of putting English muffins on the menu for quite some time, and seeing that today is the day that it is, I'm going to officially put them on my list of items to prep for addition to the menu.

The first time I made English muffins, I had no idea what to expect.  But they really aren't at all hard to make.  And they don't take long.  And when they are fresh off the skillet, they are amazing!

Later this week, I will post of another new addition to the menu.  I have a list of several items that I want to add and with summer coming up, which includes my traditional yearly break from teaching for the entire month of July, I'm hoping to trim down that list quite a bit.  Of course, I'm always adding new foods to it.  Perhaps it will never be an empty list.  I hope not.....

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

Sunday, April 16, 2023

A chilly spring day

After having a number of warm days, it seems cruel for nature to give us such a cold weekend as we have right now.  But that's OK.  It just gives us an excuse to make some good warm food.  I'm thinking warm fresh-from-the-oven cakes, hot chocolate, savory soups and stews, etc.

This coming weekend I'm taking time off so there nothing on the weekly menu to order.  But the following weekend you can order raspberry meringue kisses and warm ginger spice cookies.   

Today is National Eggs Benedict Day.  I'm not sure why we have a day that is recognized in honor of this food.  Some people say that many holidays are made up because the greeting card companies in years past wanted more reasons for people to buy more cards.  But I don't think it's reasonable to assume something similar with respect to food days.  I certainly didn't know of this day before I bumped into the information accidentally, and I don't know of anyone else who knows it is National Eggs Benedict Day.  That manes that if this is a marketing ploy, it's not a very good one.  Perhaps someone should come up with a food calendar and make every day of the year a distinct day honoring one specific food.  And then maybe we do something interesting marketing off that.

You think?


OK.  That's all for now.  I'll be back later this week.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Whisking experiments


This coming weekend we have raspberry meringue kisses and brownies ready for order.  For the following weekend, I will be taking time off.

I had a very full food week.  I made lots of chocolate snack cakes, roasted pecans, various salads, and experimented with plant-based meat substitutes, and more.  It was fun, busy, and very rewarding.  I get great reward from making lots of food and also from the experimentation that is routinely happening in my kitchen.

I am always intrigued by the effects of different mixing techniques. As I was making chocolate snack cakes this week, I decided to do a little extra whisking at one stage, just to see what would happen.  Yes, that means that anyone who ordered was a bit of a test subject for me.  Usually I try to do that sort of thing with a separate batch, but I didn't have any extra time -- remember I already said I had a very full food week.  I really wanted to try this little experiment and since I knew who had ordered and how forgiving they can be, I decided to take the risk without knowing exactly how different the final product was from normal. 

So I whisked a full two minutes extra a medium speed at one point.  The batter was certainly fuller and creamier, less liquid.  And when I baked up the final product, I liked it.  But I couldn't really tell how much different it was from the original.  So that means I really need to do a side-by-side test with two batches on the same day.  Perhaps I'll put both those batches up for order after I take my week off that is on the schedule.

Whisking at high speed, medium speed, for long time or short -- each difference can produce sometimes a dramatic change and sometimes very little change at all.  Since I love to know as much as I can about anything that I do, I often do multiple batches of recipes so that I can record the effects of these changes.

I go through a lot of ingredients that way, and it takes a lot of time, but I learn from doing it, so it's well worth it.  Knowing more about doing what you love is always worth the effort.  I apply this principle to piano, to chess, and to making good food.  It's what I do.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

A new tart

A new item has been added to the menu.  This is a chocolate glazed chocolate tart.  It has a rich chocolate filling, a dark chocolate glaze on top, and a graham crust.

I played with this for a while as I slowly prepared it for addition to the menu.  Initially, I wanted to go with a chocolate crust.  But I found that doing it that way resulted in a balance of flavor that wasn't quite right.  Then I abandoned the idea until one morning I was thinking, "Why not a graham crust?"  

That day I did a trial run, tweaking the chocolate glaze just a bit as well, and came out with a result with which I was quite happy.

That's the way it often works with new recipes.  The basic idea is great, but sometimes there is an imbalance of flavor or texture, or the appearance isn't quite what I'd like.  Then I put it away for a bit and wait for an idea to hit me.  Sometimes the idea is simple, a no-brainer, like changing the crust.  Other times, the idea is complicated and requires many more trial runs as I slowly approach the final the result that I'd like to see.

All in all, though, it's a rewarding process because it is an enjoyable thing to make good food and share it with people.

You'll see this on a weekly menu offering soon.  I hope you'll give it a try.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday mornings


Happy Sunday morning to all.  I love Sunday mornings.  Mine are usually leisurely, peaceful, and full of good food and relaxation time.  Sunday morning breakfasts might be anything from pancakes and eggs, to leftovers from the night before, to finishing up anything left from weekend orders.  Today I'm actually eating nothing because I had extra helpings of my wife's chicken biryani last night.  Later I will plan out my cooking for the week. But for now, I'm remembering the biryani.

This coming weekend we have milk chocolate snack cakes and roasted pecans available for order.  For the next weekend we have raspberry meringue kisses and brown sugar fudge brownies.  Order as much as you wish.  If the planned availability is exhausted, I might even add more!

As I was thinking about what to put on the upcoming menus this morning, I was thinking about sweetness.  I was remembering last fall as I had a late season fresh cantaloupe given to me.  It was very sweet, very flavorful.  That same day I was making macarons as well.  And I remember that evening having a couple macarons and then right after that I had more chunks of cantaloupe.  But the cantaloupe no longer tasted sweet as it had in the morning.  Later on after a couple hours had elapsed, I had more cantaloupe and it was sweet again. The macarons were so exceedingly sweet (as all macarons are) that when I followed them up immediately with cantaloupe, the fruit's sweetness was no longer detectable in the same way.  I always find these sorts of relativistic comparisons to be profoundly interesting.

That sort of thing should make me sit and think very carefully about what I pair up in the weekly menu offerings.  Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.  Honestly, most often, I simply pair up items that I'm interested in making that weekend or things that people have requested.

I'll post again in a few days with a couple new items that are being added to the menu.  In the meantime, have a great spring week.