Monday, December 5, 2022


December is here and that means winter is almost upon us.  And that means cold weather with hot chocolate and snow.  My favorite time of the year.

This week, you can order chili and mint chocolate chip ice cream.  For next week, we have chocolate chunk grand cookies and something that is appearing on the weekly menu for the first time -- vanilla macarons.

My youngest daughter and her husband brought me a little gift yesterday:  a whipped cream dispenser and a carton of nitrous oxide cartridges.  I've thought many times of getting one of these to try out but hadn't yet gotten around to it.  So I'm grateful for their gift.  I will try it out with whipped cream toppings for the ice cream this week.

I'm beginning to wind down the 2022 piano teaching year.  The last lessons are in 9 days, on December 14th and then my students will be on holiday break until early January.  During that break, I will cook many things.  Grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches, brioche, chicken with herbs, more ice cream, strawberry and cream cake, sandwiches of various types, and cinnamon rolls.  As you can see, my mind is filled with many things I want to make and explore during the early winter season.

Food is one of the great joys of life so using my teaching breaks to make lots of good food is one of my joys.  As your winter season comes into focus, I hope you get to make and eat great food, and share it with family and friends as well.

That's all for now.  Have a great Monday, all!

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