Thursday, December 15, 2022

Shopping ahead

Today is a chilly December day and next week we have very frigid temperatures coming, and that has me thinking about shopping ahead so that I don't have to go out in single-digit cold next week.  

I always find it fun to shop for groceries.  And since I never like to leave things to the last minute, shopping ahead and being redundant in terms of how much of various ingredients I have on hand is always something from which I derive great satisfaction and peace of mind.

There are three grocery stores close to me, and that's a very good thing because sometimes no matter how much I prepare, I get ready to make something and realize that I'm missing an ingredient.  I hate disrupting the rhythm I have established by having to go out to the grocery stores for a single ingredient.  It only takes a few minutes to get to each of the three stores near me, but I still find it annoying if I have to go because I was not as careful in planning as I should have been.

Today I'm making pancakes, brownies, and macarons.  The pancakes and brownies are for my own household, but the macarons are for this weekend's orders.  Why am I making them so early?  They have to be sealed and chilled for 48 hours in order to mature.  Chocolate chunk grand cookies are also on the menu and I will make the dough ahead of time because it needs to sit in the fridge for 24 hours before I bake the cookies.  That chilling time is something I find to be important in almost every chocolate chip cookie I make. 

Over the next several days I will be making many different foods.  It will be a nice activity to do inside while the frigid air is in place here in Kansas City.  Pasta alfredo with chicken, lasagna, and a savory pie are all on the agenda as well as a few other things like brioche and sandwich breads.

As winter approaches, I hope everyone stays warm and eats well.

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