It has been an unusually busy week between the midweek snowstorm here in Kansas City and other things. As a result I have pushed back this week's orders to next weekend, and the same for the following weekend. So there are no new weekly menu offerings to report today.
I was talking to my son and daughter-in-law yesterday and he was asking about ice creams. He is one of my biggest enthusiasts when it comes to the mint chocolate chip ice cream that comes out of my kitchen. We were talking about how I am limited a bit in how much I can make at one time since the freezing cannisters have to be refrozen after being used and washed. That refreezing takes about 48 hours. I said I'd like to make more ice cream at one time, but I'm working with 3 cannisters and they have to refreeze and that slows me down. Well, at that point, he asked, "How much do they cost? And would you make more at one time if you had more cannisters?" After I answered both questions, he whipped out his wallet, and we ordered 2 more cannisters. So now my freezer will have 5 cannisters sitting frozen at all times, ready for making ice cream.
So in a few weeks, we are going to have a big ice cream week with mint chocolate chip ice cream, French vanilla cream, ice box desserts, and waffle cone bowls in larger quantities that before.
This also means that I feel it's appropriate to hurry up and add a couple more ice creams that I've been talking about for a long time: lavender with blueberry swirl, triple chocolate, banana with caramelized white chocolate, and maybe even roasted strawberry ice cream. These are all flavors I've made in the past, but just haven't gotten around to putting on the menu yet. But now with more freezing cannisters, I feel I should move those up on the list of foods I've been prepping for addition to the menu. And perhaps it's time to add a few ice cream toppings as well.
I will keep you all posted on how that is coming. I made quiche Lorraine a couple days ago, and you will see pics of that on Instagram over the next few days. I also did a new batch of smoky sloppy joes and I think I have only a couple more tweaks I'd like to do and then those will make their first appearance on the menu.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone.
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