Saturday, December 11, 2021


Today is spice day.  "What is spice day?", you ask. 

Well, a couple times every year, I do a complete inventory of all the spices and seasonings in my kitchen.  There are some frequently-used spices that are replaced on a regular basis as the containers are used up.  But there are others that aren't used very often, things I keep around for only a single food that I make infrequently.  Nonetheless, they are important to keep on hand.  

For these spices that aren't used that often, I want to ensure that I have fresh containers around.  Spices age, and I want them to be fresh and potent.  So in December and July, I take the time to see what I have on hand.  I make sure that everything is stocked with fresh containers of cayenne pepper, cardamom, paprika, Italian seasoning, and many others.  

For some of these not-as-often used spices, I end up tossing the oldest containers.  The spices are still good but they simply aren't as powerful as they used to be.  While I do this every 6 months, I don't toss everything that is 6 months old.  But I take inventory and see what I think needs to replaced.

This is a very important thing for me in my kitchen.  I find it quite vexing if I start to set out ingredients for something that I want to make and I find out that don't have enough of a particular spice.  Or even worse, that I have the spice I need but it is much older than I wish.  Some spices are OK aging longer, but then there are some that need to be replaced more often.

So today, I will take inventory.  I will note which are old and which are new.  I will set up an order for Penzey's for some spices, while others I'm fine getting from the local grocer.  It will be a nice day because it's part of a very satisfying process in which I know that my racks are always filled with fresh and aromatic spices and seasonings.

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