Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pasta salad

Good morning, everyone!  We're well into the Christmas season now.  And with all the Christmas cookies and other sweet goodies that are part of our yearly celebration, it's nice to sit down with something healthy and delicious to offset all those sweets.

This weekend we have a new item offered for the first time:  farfalle pasta salad with salami and balsamic vinaigrette.  In this salad, there is nothing but healthy stuff:

pasta, shredded carrots, English cucumber, Kalamata olives, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, red onion, parmesan cheese, feta cheese, salami and a delicious balsamic vinaigrette

I make this on Day 1 and then chill it overnight with the balsamic vinaigrette already stirred into the salad.  And on Day 2 after that overnight chill, it is absolutely scrumptious.  Once I devour one serving, it's impossible for me not to have a second serving.

I love all the gingerbread and Christmas cookies and cakes that are part of the December celebrations.  But I certainly also love to have something that is so incredibly delicious that it can offset my cravings for all those other holiday sweets.

More new food items are being added to the menu in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open and read about those additions here.

Have a great week!

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