Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Autumn and food

Today is the first day of autumn.  The temp here in Kansas City showed it, too:  49 degrees on my thermometer.  

Time to start thinking more about cold-weather foods.  Well, maybe not entirely.  I just did my fall chocolate order and picked up a large bag of the specific chocolate I like to use for my mint chocolate chip ice cream.  Soon you will see that ice cream land on the menu.  I love doing my big fall order of chocolate.  It is part of my end-of-summer ritual:  open up the website, order the standard items I like to keep on hand, check out anything new they are offering, and then decide what else I want to try or what else I want to indulge in.

This week in addition to the menu offerings, I'm going to be making a couple different BLT pasta salads.  I've made these before, and I'm trying to decide if I want to place one of them on the menu.  I'm also going to be dabbling in a test of another new ice cream.  I will bake some rolls.  And I will hopefully start my single-elimination cinnamon roll tournament.  I have multiple cinnamon roll recipes that I like to use.  I'm going to be making them in pairs and after each pair, one will go on to the next round.  By the time I get to the end I will have chosen one to be on the menu.

I'm also going to be mailing a package of cookies up to Zak (and Heidi, but she won't eat them since she's vegan and none of these cookies are vegan).  This is partially a "thank you!" for them since Heidi and Zak are the ones who maintain and enhance the website.  And it's a chance to see how the cookies will come out after being in transit a couple days.  I will have to work on finding a couple good vegan things to send up so that Heidi can eat them too.

Autumn is such a great time to think about all our favorite foods for the upcoming holiday season.  I love the change of seasons.  I love the holidays.  I love the food.  What a great way to head into the end of the year.

Enjoy the new cool weather.  And thank you for reading this blog and trying my food.  I truly enjoy sharing both my words and my foods with everyone.


  1. We have several cinnamon roll recipes we like, and I'd like to narrow it down to one. I think there may be a bake off in our future too!
