Saturday, June 5, 2021

Deer food and food waste

Good evening, everyone.  Just a few minutes ago I had a beautiful deer stop in my yard to eat some dinner.  She seemed to like what was found here.  I watched her for a minute or two from the house.  Then I managed to step out the door to get a clear picture without scaring her away.  She didn't stay long once I was outside, but long enough for me to get a good picture.  Deer often stop in my yard during the dark hours of night, but I've never seen one out in the late afternoon.  Needless to say, I was quite excited as I pulled my phone out to take this snapshot.

I don't mind the local wildfire foraging, although I have to admit I don't like it when the deer eat the fresh hosta leaves as they grow each spring.  But they seem to leave them alone once they leaves are no longer tender.  I actually encourage wildlife.  The squirrels here can get quite fat eating from various things that I toss out from the kitchen.  Sometimes these are failed cooking experiments.  Sometimes they are just old bread and other similar things that need to be disposed of.  I can count on the squirrels and birds and racoons to eat those leftovers.

I don't like to waste food.  I like to see things get used up.  And if they don't, they become squirrel food or become part of my landscaping beds, improving and enriching the soil.  Even eggs shells can go out in the soil.  They are actually quite beneficial.

I was planning on cooking today, but I got distracted.  It sometimes happens.  How did I get distracted? Relaxation was the culprit, although the live feed of the Geldingadalir volcano in Iceland also has to take some of the blame.  However, I used my relaxation time well by thumbing through recipe books, and recipes online, looking for ideas, reading up on techniques, and so on.

I will do more of that tomorrow, but I also plan on doing some actual cooking as well.

Have a great weekend!  


  1. Wow! I am so glad and excited that you got a chance to capture this beautiful picture of deer in your yard 😊

    1. Thank you. It was an exciting moment.
