Friday, May 28, 2021

Order in July


Summer is almost here.   We have had some fantastic cool rainy weather for all of the spring so far.  And we enter June in a few days with hardly a hint of hot weather.  The plants and flowers and trees and shrubs love it.  

With Covid calming down somewhat and vaccinations given to so many people, I think it's time to start opening up for orders again.  So beginning soon you will be able order from Bruce Bakery and Bistro.  Very soon you will see the first July offered items on the weekly menu.  Remember there are FAQs you can read to remind yourself of the ordering process.  You'll see a tab for that on the home page, .  Remember everything is free, no charge.  

I haven't decided completely what the first items of the summer will be except that one of them will be ice cream of some type.  We have to start off the summer with ice cream.

I will also be adding a more new items to the full menu so be on the lookout for those.

I can hardly wait to share some food with everyone again.

In the meantime, enjoy the end of spring and the beginning of what I hope will be a mildly warm summer.

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