Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Whipped cream and dispensers

Some time ago, actually quite a while ago, I was given a whipped cream dispenser.  It sat on a shelf in my pantry for a long time before I recently pulled it out in order to experiment with it.

The first time I used it (in fact, the first time I had ever used one of these), the end result wasn't what I expected.  It was much too liquidy.  Then I figured out exactly what was meant in the instructions, tinkered a bit with the technique, and, voila, out came what was expected:  a light fluffy airy whipped cream.

It's nice to have this as an option, so my thanks go out to the giver of this gadget.  

That being said, I'm not sure I will use it all that much.  It puts out light fluffy whipped cream, but I know that when I chill my whisk and my mixing bowl, and make a whipped cream myself the old fashioned way, it comes out rich and thick and dense, and I actually like that even more than what comes out of a whipped cream dispenser. 

A velvety smooth, creamy, heavy whipped cream is what I like.  I love the texture.  I love the ways I can easily add things to the cream such as reduced berries.  When I put the old fashioned variety of whipped cream on a slice of pound cake or on a bowl of ice cream, it's just perfect.

I also like to whisk it by hand.  It takes longer and takes of a lot of stamina, but it also comes out so velvety smooth that I could just eat it by itself as a snack.  Is that weird?  LOL.  I don't think so.  I love to take reduced raspberries and incorporate them into a freshly whisked batch of whipped cream and then every so often I will go to the fridge and take a spoonful and smile as I indulge my love of this little snack.

I feel like making some now.  So I am off to the grocery store to get some raspberries!

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