Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Our favorite pans

We all have favorite jackets, and favorite mugs, and favorite .... well, you get the idea.

For those who spend a lot of time in the kitchen, we have favorite utensils, favorite bowls, and favorite pans.  I have a favorite pan that I like to use for one of the brownies that I make.  It's a Twinkie mold pan made by Wilton.  Or it used to be made by Wilton.  I have learned that this pan is no longer available. And my careful and exhaustive research has revealed that no one else makes a pan that is just like this with the same dimensions, the same shape and size.  There are some that are close, but not exactly like the pan that I have.  I have run searches on Ebay hoping to find one.  But so far, no luck. 

I love this pan.  I know exactly how it cooks this particular brownie that is a popular item on my menu.  And I really hope to find another one or two to add to my kitchen equipment.  Then again, perhaps I shouldn't bother since eventually I won't be able to replace my Twinkie pan if it wears out since it's no longer in production.  Perhaps I'm better off finding a similar pan, and tweaking my cooking times, etc., so that I can use it for this Twinkie-shaped brownie that I like to make.

Does it really make that much of a difference?  I think so.  I think almost any experienced chef and/or baker will tell you that specific pans give you subtle differences and when we learn the unique qualities of each pan, it has an effect on the final product.

I will keep looking.  And I will take care of this single pan that I have and hopefully it will last a long long time.

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