Monday, March 6, 2023

Longer days


March is here and spring starts in a couple weeks and the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter.  

But there is still a bit of chill in the air sometimes and that means it's a perfect time for some hot soup.

This coming weekend's menu offering includes dark chocolate pudding and oatmeal spice cookies.  But the next weekend has the aforementioned hot soup, specifically onion cauliflower soup.  I know that to many this may not seem that exciting. But trust me.  This soup is quite delicious, very savory, and wonderful with a few herbs tossed on top or even a dollop of sour cream.  Accompanying this item on the menu are allspice muffins.  I have not tried these in combination, but I promised to make another round of allspice muffins so here they are and they are paired with this wonderful soup.

I'm getting ready to add a new dessert to the menu, a dark chocolate tart.  Hopefully that will get done this week.

As always, I have so many new things I want to add and they will all get added over time, so patience is called for.

That's all for now.  Enjoy the hints of spring that seem to be in the air every day now.  

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