Spring is "just over the horizon". Of course, it seems that's been the case for the last few weeks as warm weather shows up and then disappears into chilly days again. And today we have another chilly day. It's a perfect day for hot chocolate and a warm scone.
This week we have allspice muffins and onion cauliflower soup available for order. For the following weekend, we have a chocolate snack cake and dark chocolate pudding.
I came across a nice quote this morning: "All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast." The key word here, perhaps, is "leisurely." The world moves so quickly and is constantly pushing us from one task to another .... does that mean we don't eat leisurely? Did we ever eat leisurely? In our collective past, it seems (as evidenced in books and movies, etc.) that surely we ate more leisurely years ago.
As much as I love food and cooking, it would probably be assumed that I eat leisurely, but I know that I often don't. My wife often suggests that I slow down, and she herself leisurely enjoys her food. So bit by bit, I've been learning to do the same. It's not that I just race through eating because I've got too many other things to do. It's simply that the world always seems to move at such a quick pace that I think I get caught up in that practice, too. I have time to eat leisurely, but I rarely avail myself of that time. I enjoy my food, certainly, but as I learn to eat more leisurely, I'm sure I will enjoy it even more.
Those are my thoughts for this chilly Monday morning. Time now for that chocolate and a warm scone.