Over the last short while, I've done some tweaks to a few recipes. For instance, the snickerdoodles will now be made with a touch of lemon zest. My test eaters heartily approved of that specific tweak. And a few other recipes were tweaked in ways that were slight enough that I won't bother mentioning them. But tweaks, large or small, from time to time are an important way to keep improving my craft, to make the recipes just a bit better, and make the eating even more enjoyable.
While most of the time tweaks are small and sometimes a particular tweak is in the production process itself (changing from machine paddle mixing to machine whisking, for instance), sometimes they have a larger impact. Such is the case with my lasagna.
The lasagna will now come in three variations, the original as well as a second with all beef and a third with all chicken. I finished testing a batch with all three varieties yesterday and I am very happy with the final testing. I've already updated the menu listing on the website. And soon I'll put them on a weekly offering so that everyone can choose their favorite variety.
That's all for today. Bon appetit.
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