Saturday, July 2, 2022

Yellow snack cake

Today I've been inside cooking all morning during our early July rain that we had today.  I've been working on a yellow snack cake to fulfill a special request from son Ben.  

I have a few different yellow cake recipes in my repertoire, so I've played around with them, tested a couple new ones, and the picture above shows the one that will be added to the full menu sometime in the next few days.

This is a small snack cake almost 4 inches square.  It's mildly sweet and has a very nice relaxed flavor that is not too strong.  And it's the perfect size for one person or for two, just in case you want to share it with someone.

I'm thinking of pairing this with a raspberry cream as a topping.  Of course, when ordering it, everyone will have the option of no topping at all.  I will come up with other toppings as well.  It will not be topped with icing or frosting.  Instead, I think this cake is best by itself with nothing on it at all, or topped with a whipped cream flavored with pureed berries or some other fruit.  I will experiment with different toppings over time.

You'll see this hit the full menu in the next few days, and sometime soon I will put it on a weekly menu offering

I hope everyone is enjoying their Fourth of July weekend!

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