Sunday, August 4, 2024

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

Today, August 4, is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.

For more on the story as to how chocolate chips wound up in cookies in the first place, follow this link:

As most of my readers know, I have multiple chocolate chip cookie recipes on my menu.  Each one is different in significant ways.  Some have a different blend of chunks vs. chips.  Some have a different blend of semisweet vs. dark chocolate.  Some are made with different flours.

The bottom line is that each one is unique in some way.  And they are all delicious.  I think that even a bad chocolate chip cookie (relatively speaking) is still pretty darn good.

My favorite thing to do is to use a variety of types of chocolate in cookies.  I love the complexity of flavor that comes out.  It's a deeper flavor, more interesting, and more chocolaty, I think.  But whether you use one type or many, they are still awesome.  Agreed?

The most important thing is to use the best chocolate you can find.  Get a good cookie recipe and an excellent chocolate, and you will have an excellent cookie.

I could commemorate the day by baking some.  But I'm not planning on baking any chocolate chip cookies today because I really don't feel like running my oven on this excessively hot afternoon.  

That's all for today.  Go out and get yourself a good cookie.

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