Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Food fight

I love tomatoes.  I love them sliced with a sprinkling of sugar, in salads, roasted long and slow.  And they are good for much more than eating.  What do I mean?  Read on.

On the last Wednesday of every August (which is today), in a small town in Spain, thousands of people gather to throw tons and tons of tomatoes.  I mean that literally -- tons, not pounds, tons of tomatoes. 

It is considered the world's largest food fight.

Here's the link:

Read all about it and enjoy.  Perhaps one day I or one of this blog's readers will attend this food fight festival and we'll see a first-hand report on it.

In the meantime, maybe you can start a small version of this on your own neighborhood street.

OK, OK, maybe not.  I don't think people will appreciate here.  But they do in Spain.

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