Sunday, April 7, 2024

Taking the time to make chili

I have been spending time on some travel the past couple weeks as well as some other major projects, but I still can hardly believe that two whole weeks have passed since I last posted.

Here we are in our early spring in Kansas City.  Everything is greening nicely.  It's time to get out and resume yard projects that were put on hold for the winter.  And it's also time for nice warm spring foods.

I feel like making chili.  I love making chili.  It's a long process.  Peppers and onions are cut slowly and methodically.  Two kinds of beans are prepared.  Tomatoes and their juices prepared.  Spices carefully measured out.  Chorizo simmering until perfect with garlic.  Corn is measured out.  And a small quantity of chocolate is chopped and ready for melting into the final chili.

I love the process.  I take my time.  I don't rush.  Finally when everything is prepared, I start the cooking.  One by one the ingredients are tossed into the pot.  Slowly it cooks, adding layer upon layer of flavor.  The pot fills as each new item is added.  Then it sits and slowly simmers for a long long time.  I stir it periodically and inhale the aromas.  I watch as the texture and color settle into what they should be.

When it's done, it's time to eat with a sprinkle of freshly grated cheese, maybe some sour cream, maybe some added chives or parsley.

It's an amazing thing to start with raw ingredients and finish with something so delicious.  Cooking is worth the time it takes.  In this fast-paced world, we don't always get the chance to do that.  But it's worth it when we can make the time.

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