Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Tasks to do but sometimes forgotten

I was rummaging through my freezer this morning as I sometimes do.  I like to keep organized, make sure things are getting used up.  As I did that, I found puréed banana that I had frozen almost a month ago.  I'm glad I found it because I hate to see things go to waste, but also because I had really been hoping to test out making banana bread using this frozen banana mixture to see whether or not this was a viable way to prepare bananas ahead of time, meaning that I am hoping the freezing of the banana mixture doesn't mitigate the high quality of this banana bread recipe.

I like to keep a list of things to do, and this testing of the frozen mixture should have been on my list.  But, alas, somehow it didn't make it on there.  

Neglecting to do previously planned tasks, forgetting to complete special projects, watching foods expire ... these are all things that bug me.   I like to stay organized.  I like to be productive.  And I like to whittle down my "to-do" list to something smaller.  Of course, that last one is a hard thing to do since I'm always coming up with ideas I want to test, recipes I want to try, and all those things get added to the list.

It's a never-ending list.  But that's OK.  I never have a reason to be bored because of it.

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