Sunday, February 18, 2024

Cabbaga and other unfavorite foods

Today is National Cabbage Day.  Remember any of my previous posts on national food days?  I chuckle every time I learn what today's national food day is.

Cabbage is one of those foods that I've always shied away from.  As a kid, remember being served boiled cabbage and sauerkraut, and I never could develop a taste for them.  I didn't even like coleslaw.  However, as an adult, I appreciate strands of cabbage in salads with other greens, I love coleslaw if the dressing is good, and so I guess I can't say that I hate cabbage any longer.

Except that I can say that any cooked cabbage is something I can still say I hate.

There are so many good foods in the world, but cabbage is part of a handful I do not care for.  The others?  -- Brussels sprouts, and beef liver.  

Now, there are some other foods I haven't tried yet, that I probably never will try, and so I can say I hate the idea of them but I can't say I actually hate the food.  Things that fall into this category are brains, tripe, pigs feet, sweetbreads and other similar internal parts of farm animals. 

I try to be open to sampling any new food, but some of those items, I simply can't get myself to try.  Perhaps I'm missing out on something tremendously delicious.  I probably will never know for sure.

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