Friday, September 22, 2023

The aroma of brownies

It is a beautiful and peaceful rainy morning here in Kansas City.  The sky is dark, the rain is coming down steadily, a little thunder punctuates from time to time...  It is a beautiful and peaceful rainy morning.

I am baking this morning, preparing food for weekend orders.  Yesterday I made pecan ice box cookie dough.  As the name suggests, it is in the freezer.  It stays there until time for slicing and baking.  The dough isn't even warmed up one tiny bit.  It stays frozen until it goes into the oven.

On the other hand, the brownie batter is made and cooked immediately.  I portion it into a Twinkie mold pan.  And the first tray is about to come out of the oven as I write this post.  The house is filled with the aroma of warm brownies.  And on a rainy morning like today, it is a perfect aroma.

The comforts of food and home are meant to be relished.  So make some food.  Fill your home with wonderful aromas.  And enjoy whatever weather happens to be in your neighborhood today. 

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