Monday, September 18, 2023

Lots of sweets and a little savory

Well, I didn't get around to my customary Sunday post yesterday.  Better late than never?

This upcoming weekend, pecan cookies and brownies are available for order.  I have several different varieties of brownies that I like to make.  These are baked in Twinkie-shaped molds and they are delicious.

The next weekend we have chocolate chips cookies and something savory, carrot bisque.

There you go:  lots of sweets and a little savory.

I meant to get around to doing final tweaks on some lemonades with fruit this weekend, but it didn't happen.  I will try again this week.  

I always have so many things that I'm working on and sometimes that means my plans don't come to fruition in the time-frame that I hoped.  I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's the way it is.  

Well, no matter what else happens, the cooking and baking continues constantly.  

Have a great day, everyone!  Later on this week, I think I'll post a recipe here.  So be on the watch.

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