Monday, November 8, 2021

Chocolate chippers

Is is possible that there is someone on the planet who does NOT love chocolate chip cookies?  I don't think so.

There are multiple chocolate chip cookies on the menu already, and I've just added another one.   Each of these varieties has something different and wonderful that makes it unique.  The factors which make them unique might be the variety of chocolates in them, or the types of flours used, or the size of either the cookie or the chocolate chips and chunks, whether or not there are nuts, etc., etc., etc.

The point is this -- there are so many ways you can vary a chocolate chip cookie because they are such a simply delicious cookie no matter how you make them.

Cookies, in general, lend themselves well to the idea of multiple varieties.  Sometimes I make snickerdoodles with lemon zest in them and then call them lemony snickets (yes, like the books).  Or molasses cookies with lemon in them.  Or shortbread with hazelnuts, or almonds, or cashews.  Sometimes I'll cook sugar cookies really thin and then sandwich them with dark chocolate ganache.  

The possibilities are endless and wondrous.  I guess that's true for all food, but some foods more than others, I think.  

The new cookies are on the menu as "chocolate chippers" and I hope you will give them a try.  Perhaps sometime I'll do a week with only chocolate chip cookies offered, and you can sample several types side by side.

Have a great week everyone.  It's a beautiful autumn!


  1. You should do those lemony snickets for halloween next year!
