Sunday, October 10, 2021

A week off

Good morning and Happy Sunday to everyone.

Fall is about ready to make it's presence known with cooler temperatures beginning tomorrow.  I love the change of seasons and the colors that go with it as well as the daily hope for snow in the forecast.  Yes, as you all know, I love the snow.

I've been tweaking my eggnog recipes this past week.  And that has definitely got me thinking about the upcoming winter holidays.  

After doing a lot of cooking over the last several weeks, I'm going to take a week and relax a little bit.  A menu is posted for this next weekend, October 15-17.  But the weekend after that I will not be sending any food out the door.  Rest assured that I will be back for the final weekend of October and then all all the weeks ahead through the holidays.

Have a great week, everyone!

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