Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mint chocolate chip ice cream and scoops

mint chocolate chip ice cream

As anyone who knows me can attest, ice cream is my all-time favorite food.  And mint chocolate chip is my favorite flavor.  Now you can find my favorite flavor on www.brucebakeryandbistro.com.  I can hardly wait to put it on the current weekly menu along with brownies so that everyone can enjoy it as much as I do.  Other flavors are coming in the future as well, so keep an eye out.

I've already done an entry on this blog on making ice cream so I won't go into that here.  Let's just say that this is very creamy, very smooth, and has lots of Callebaut dark chocolate.  I pack all my ice creams in 12-oz round cartons that are perfect for ice cream, and also perfect containers out of which you can eat the ice cream.  However, when you want to actually scoop it out into a bowl, having a good ice cream serving utensil is great, and I don't mean a standard spoon.

Zeroll ice cream spade and scoop
My favorite tools to serve ice cream are Zeroll ice cream spades and scoops.  I have one of each.  They have a heat-conducting liquid in the handles which is supposed to help the edge cut through ice cream more effectively.  I've not done any scientific testing on whether it really works, nor have I read anything of that nature.  But from experience I can can tell you these work so much better than anything else I've ever tried.  

As I said, other flavors will be coming in the future including triple chocolate, dark chocolate, roasted strawberry, lavender with blueberry swirl, and others.  I love sharing ice cream with everyone.

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