Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Brownies and cat treats

double chocolate brownies and lava field brownies

Today was a fun busy day.  My morning and afternoon were devoted to listening to piano concerto recordings and making brownies, three different kinds.  I followed that up with a late afternoon and evening of piano students, each of whom commented on the aroma of warm fresh brownies that greeted them when they entered the house.  I love when aromas of great food fill the house.  It is one of those things that really make a home feel like a home.

As for the three different kinds of brownies I was working with today, I baked one kind for the simple reason that I wanted to come to a decision on the exact size I wanted to give out to people.  Another was because I wanted to play with a couple ideas I had to tweak an existing different recipe.   And the third was to evaluate whether or not I wanted to add a new brownie to the Bruce Bakery and Bistro menu.

For the first, I decided on the size.  Each brownie will be 1/4 of the 8x8-inch pan, a nice large size that will be immensely satisfying.  For the second, the tested tweaks were pretty nice, but nothing I am going to keep.  Each time a test is done on a recipe, however, whether successful or not, is still a good thing.  After all, what better way to continue to learn and improve one's craft than by experimenting with new ideas.  For the third, I decided to add it to the menu soon.  In fact, I will probably do a "brownie week" sometime in the near future where I offer multiple types of brownies and nothing else for that week.

Between all those brownies and the teaching and then a run on the treadmill just a short while ago, I'm feeling ready for a good sleep tonight.  After all that, I might also be a little groggy when I first get up tomorrow morning, especially since we just moved the clocks ahead a couple days ago and I'm still getting accustomed to that change.  Sometimes when I'm a bit groggy in the morning, I almost make a comical mistake which I will explain here.  I have a routine I follow each morning, several things I do to get ready for the day, always in the same order.  When I'm a bit groggy for whatever reason, I do them on autopilot almost, so used to the routine am I.  Well part of that routine includes taking a morning multi-vitamin.  The important part to realize here is that I have a small serving tray on a kitchen counter which has a bottle of vitamins and a few other things on it including a small bag of cat treats that I give to Tom the cat with every meal.  I can be honest and admit that on more than one occasion, when I have had a groggy sleepy start to my day, I have grabbed the cat treat bag by mistake and pulled out what I assumed was a vitamin, only realizing my error at the last moment.  There I would stand with a cat treat in one hand, a cup of water in the other, smiling and wondering when the day will come when I don't catch my mistake and get to learn what these cat treats taste like.

Here's hoping tomorrow is not that day.  If you are reading this, I hope that brings a smile to your face as you remember your own comical happenings on sleepy mornings.  Now I am heading offline to eat a quick brownie and then prepare for sleep.  Good night, everyone.   Sleep well.

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