Monday, January 20, 2020

Gold rush

Edible gold leaf is a nice little touch to add to some desserts.  Since gold is biologically inert, meaning it can be consumed and processed through the digestive tract without being absorbed by the human body, edible gold leaf is completely safe.  To be edible it must be 22-24 carats; anything less means there are some mineral impurities in the gold.  It comes in flakes and very thin sheets and is relatively inexpensive.  The photo above shows 1.5 inch sheets that an be purchased in a small package of 24 sheets for about $15.00.

palet d'or with edible gold leaf decoration
Sheets are very delicate and require a gentle touch to be placed on a dessert.  They are very thin and tend to cling to just about everything.  The first time I ever used it was quite frustrating at first since I didn't realize how delicate and careful one must be in handling this.  But it didn't take long to get accustomed to the care in takes in handling and placing.  These sheets are so thin that even a small puff of air will blow one away until is placed on your dessert where it then clings to the surface.

Edible gold has no taste and no texture that can be noticed when eating a dessert decorated with the sheets.  While it is usually used for desserts, sometimes you will find it used on savory items.  In all cases, though, it is a purely decorative element.  I love to place it on my palet d'or cake desserts where it shows up in striking relief against the dark chocolate mirror glaze. 

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