Friday, September 20, 2019

Cornbread and gratitude

individual cornbreads fresh from the oven
I am up early today.   I had fast food late last night and so I woke up early feeling a bit dehydrated due to the high levels of salt.  I am not a food snob and so I do not turn away from fast food.  Sometimes a quick burger or taco from the nearest place is just the thing for a quick food fix.  But then invariably I crave something else afterwards.  This morning, after my fast-food meal last night, I'm craving something wholesome and I'm thinking about making cornbread.  When I make cornbread I always blend a fine-ground cornmeal with a course-ground.  For me, this combination gives a much nicer texture than when using only one type of cornmeal.  There is a wholesomeness about cornbread and it satisfies the appetite.  Morning, noon, or night, it doesn't matter.  It works any time.

I want to say thanks today to some people who have been indispensable in setting up the web presence for Bruce Bakery and Bistro.  Jacqueline (aka Heidi) and Zak have been an encouraging pair of voices and have done all the major work in designing and establishing the main website and are continuing to drive the evolution of other aspects of web presence even as they are occupied with their own endeavors.  Elisa and Ben have taken time out of their busy schedules to stage and take some great photos that appear now and will appear in the future on various pages of the website.  Thanks to you all for providing your enthusiasm and a level of expertise that far exceeds anything I could have done on my own.  And ongoing thanks to friends and family who share the foods I make and provide valuable feedback.

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