Sunday, April 28, 2024

Containers and packaging


One of the hardest things to do, sometimes, is finding good containers and packaging that I'm happy with.  Many of the things that I make use very specific containers, such as the small cake molds above, which I use every single time.  These become part of the baking protocol that must be followed every time so that I have uniformity and consistency since they affect the actual baking of the product.

I keep stacks of containers such as these.  When I can, I try to use the same container for more than one product, but that's not always possible.  Sometimes I want to make a smaller size of something and so a bigger container that is already part of the "kitchen stock" is not suitable.  Some things are so rich or so sweet that they need to be in a smaller size because it makes more sense as a serving size.

If a manufacturer were to eliminate one of my usual containers from their offerings, I couldn't always find the same thing somewhere else.  That hasn't happened yet, and hopefully it won't.  But I recognize that it could happen.

Finding just the right container for either baking or serving/packaging is actually a very satisfying thing.  The end result, knowing that I get consistency in the final product and an appropriate serving size, is extremely rewarding for some reason.  

Sometimes when I add a new item to the menu, the hardest part is deciding how big to make it, what to bake it in, what to package it in, and figuring this out can take quite a bit of time.  Sometimes it's impossible to find exactly what I want and I have to compromise.  But in the end, I am always at peace with whatever the choice is.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Chocolate and nuts

Does anyone not like chocolate covered nut clusters?  I don't hear anyone saying, "No."  That's good.  I think chocolate covered nuts are one of the most perfect desserts.

Did you know that today is National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day?

The most challenging part of making chocolate covered nuts by hand is tempering the chocolate.  Most people, if they make nut clusters in their home kitchens, will simply melt chocolate, assemble the clusters using a cookie scoop or spoon, and then chill them so as to get the chocolate to set.

However, if you take the time to temper the chocolate, the result is even better.  Tempering chocolate is a science since it can be done by measuring the exact temperature at which specific types of crystals form in the chocolate, but also an art if one is simply doing it by hand and noting the texture and color as they agitate the chocolate without measuring the temperature at all.  An experienced chocolatier often does not need to measure the temperature of the chocolate.  They can see and feel when it is ready.

And the tempered chocolate with it's shiny look and it's crispy break is perfect.  It's worth the time to learn to temper chocolate.  And worth all the nuts you can get to make nut clusters.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Fun to make lots of food

This past weekend was a busy one.  I was asked to provide some food for a bridal shower.  It was a small event, but then it got bigger.  And so I made my food plans bigger, too.

In the end, I made ginger spice cookies, raspberry sweet creams, savory egg salad sliders, a large autumn spice cake with cream cheese frosting, a  large batch of mac and cheese, and a large batch of Swedish visiting cakes.

That's a lot of food. But you know what?  It was a lot of fun to make in a short time.  To do that, one has to create the menu carefully to ensure that it can done.  Then one has to shop.  Then one has schedule the preparation.  And finally it has to be cooked, mixed, baked, etc.  This was all done within about 24 hours from the start of the first food to the end of the last one. 

When it was all done, it was time to load it into boxes and coolers, and then into the car.  And then it was delivered.

In the end, there were a lot of smiles for all this food from the attendees.  That's my biggest reward.  Making good food for people who sincerely enjoy it is a pleasure.  And it's darn good way to make the world a better place.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Grilled cheese


Today is such a pleasant day already, a mild temperature, sunny, clear skies, and a relaxed working day ahead (meaning very little work) ... it makes me feel like doing a lot of cooking.  In particular I feel like making treats.  This weekend I am working on some food for a bridal shower, some savory, some sweet.  I might toss in a couple extra items just because, as I said, I feel like doing a lot of cooking.

Today is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day.  When it comes to grilled cheese, I'm a bit of a traditionalist.  Plain American cheese is all I need.  Sometimes I see recipes for a grilled cheese sandwich that uses nothing but some rare exotic cheese.  For me, I will take American cheese, or a blend with American and something else like gouda or muenster.  But American cheese is so creamy when melted that it has to be the foundation for me.  However, I love to toss in ham or turkey as well, especially turkey.  I love the combination of turkey and melted cheese on that grilled buttered bread.

The picture above of the mirror glazed cakes .... well, that means I'm really feeling like making some of those too.  These are a multi-day item, meaning I make the cakes parts on one day and freeze them, and the mousse filling on another day and chill it, then assemble and freeze and on the end of the second day or the third day, I make the glaze and pour it over until it is beautifully glossy and shiny.  

Eating the cakes?  That's NOT a multi-day process.  LOL.

Have a great day, everyone, and as always, enjoy some good food.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Taking the time to make chili

I have been spending time on some travel the past couple weeks as well as some other major projects, but I still can hardly believe that two whole weeks have passed since I last posted.

Here we are in our early spring in Kansas City.  Everything is greening nicely.  It's time to get out and resume yard projects that were put on hold for the winter.  And it's also time for nice warm spring foods.

I feel like making chili.  I love making chili.  It's a long process.  Peppers and onions are cut slowly and methodically.  Two kinds of beans are prepared.  Tomatoes and their juices prepared.  Spices carefully measured out.  Chorizo simmering until perfect with garlic.  Corn is measured out.  And a small quantity of chocolate is chopped and ready for melting into the final chili.

I love the process.  I take my time.  I don't rush.  Finally when everything is prepared, I start the cooking.  One by one the ingredients are tossed into the pot.  Slowly it cooks, adding layer upon layer of flavor.  The pot fills as each new item is added.  Then it sits and slowly simmers for a long long time.  I stir it periodically and inhale the aromas.  I watch as the texture and color settle into what they should be.

When it's done, it's time to eat with a sprinkle of freshly grated cheese, maybe some sour cream, maybe some added chives or parsley.

It's an amazing thing to start with raw ingredients and finish with something so delicious.  Cooking is worth the time it takes.  In this fast-paced world, we don't always get the chance to do that.  But it's worth it when we can make the time.