Thursday, November 2, 2023

A new month

As we start this new month, I have had a chance to test out the new oven.  It maintains temperature very well, quite uniformly, and seems as good or better than the old one.  I don't think I will have any significant tweaking to do for any of the cooking times for items that I regularly bake.  

I have had a busy busy month (meaning October), and so today I decided to push off orders for one week so that I could take a few moments, breathe deeply, and enjoy unmeasured time off and on over the upcoming weekend.

But that doesn't mean I won't be making food.  I have a bunch of items on a list that I have been working on for a while.  For each of these, I simply need to do one final bake or preparation, take a good photo, and add them to my recipe database, and they'll be all set for addition to the ordering menu.  So I will hope do some of that this weekend, but I'm not going to pressure myself too much.  This weekend is about rebalancing after a busy month.

At the very least, I will eat a lot of good food, some of it my own, and some of it my wife's.  She makes amazing haleem and biryani and dal and seekh kebabs.

That's all for now.  I will post something more substantial this weekend, I hope.

Eat well!  And enjoy the day!

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