Good morning to all!
It's a cool clear morning here in Kansas City on this early October Sunday. I can feel the change of seasons in the air, and it can certainly be seen with the shortening of the daylight.
A new item has been added to the menu. This is a strawberry froth, similar to the orange vanilla froth posted yesterday. This is very refreshing and very healthy as well. I love drinks made of fruit. They simply make the body feel good and the spirit feel light.
Another new beverage will be posted sometime this week.
This coming weekend we have pecan cookies and French butter cookies on the menu. And the following weekend you can order the new strawberry froth and also the new strawberry lemonade which was just added to the menu days ago. I hope you will give them a try.
Yesterday I taste tested the new high-protein, gluten-free, dairy-free ice cream that I've been working on for oldest daughter. It tastes pretty nice. I've a got a few tweaks to make and I want to adjust the freezing process. So I'm not quite satisfied with it yet. And I'm not yet certain that it is the end product. I'm still working on a couple different variations on this recipe to get a balance of flavor and texture that I'm happy with. This is my first try at making a dairy-free ice cream, so there has been a lot of trial and error. But I'm hopeful that soon I'll see a finished product with which I am happy.
Today I'm working on sandwich rolls and maybe a chocolate cake as well. And I'm in the process of developing a new recipe for a strawberry cream cake at the request of youngest daughter.
Enjoy these early days of fall. The coolness in the air, the lengthening of the nights, and the flocks of Canadian geese flying overhead in vee formation all portend the coming winter. I can hardly wait.
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