Saturday, September 12, 2020

Stuffed cherry tomatoes

spring 2020, back gardens

I've had a nice few days since my last post.  I've worked on some good new piano music, watched some good television, and spent time talking online and playing online chess.  It has been a few days of practically no sunshine here in Kansas City.  Lots of rain means the plants all have a chance to do what they need to for the upcoming winter.  The hummingbirds are feasting, gorging themselves on nectar.  I have 5 hummingbird feeders up between both back and front yard gardens, and they are very active with lots of hummers.  Soon these fun little birds will head down south to escape the winter that it is to come.

I'm working on a new item.  In fact, it's pretty much done.  I just have a tiny tweak or two left to achieve something which I can say is finished and is ready for all who like to try my food.  This is a cherry tomato stuffed with a mixture using a goat cheese base but which includes several other ingredients as well, including fresh herbs.  It tastes so natural and refreshing and light, it's really a challenge to eat only one.  I've never really been a fan of goat cheese before.  Then my brother happened to visit one day and brought some goat cheese to use with some other items we were going to eat.  I tried it and was very pleased to find that I liked it .... a lot.  So I immediately went out to get some and tried it with a stuffed cherry tomato that I had played with a couple years ago but which never quite made the cut for me.  Well, I tell you, with this new goat cheese, it worked.  Either that or my appreciation for goat cheese suddenly burst into existence for some unknown reason.  In any event, I'm going to be adding it to the full menu soon.  I will let everyone know in a new post when that happens, and I hope everyone will give it a try when it hits its first weekly menu offering.

Try to enjoy the seasonal change we are going through as summer ends and autumn begins.  Stay healthy and safe.  And as always, eat well.

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