Monday, May 13, 2024

Noticing details


Good morning!  So far, this month has been so extremely busy that I didn't even realize I was behind on posting here.  So I will try to catch up.

Lately, as I have been working on plans to take this food enterprise further, I find myself noticing details more and more when I'm out at other food establishments.  I notice what seems to work in terms of service.  I notice when it seems customers are happy and when they are impatient.  I notice the decor.  I notice the constancy, or often the lack, thereof, of quality when I eat someplace more than once.

Basically, I keep tweaking my ideas in my head again and again based on what I see that either works or doesn't work in the food world as I'm able to explore it. 

These details may or may not cause significant changes in what I want to do with my food.  I already have a well-honed set of ideas that is governing what I want to develop.  But I still continue to look at details both small and large. 

OK.  That's all for now.  But I will post again soon.  Today I'm studying cake rusk.  Haven't had it?  It's wonderful.  Think of it like biscotti, only it's pound cake.

I'll explain more later.  Have a great rainy (at least if you are reading this in Kansas City) Monday, everyone!

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