Today the weather is chilly and wet. Rain and near freezing temperatures are making everyone think of the possibility of icy roads. I, however, am thinking of wonderful, warm and tasty comfort foods.
There are many recipes that I choose to keep as part of my repertoire simply because they are foods from my youth. These foods have an emotional aspect to them as well as a culinary one. For example, I remember so often when I was young placing a dozen eggs into a pan, boiling them, chilling them, peeling them, and turning them into egg salad sandwiches. To this day, every time I have an egg salad sandwich, I think of all the times as a kid that I made them and they were so incredibly delicious. So they have become a comfort food me.
I remember picking wild black raspberries and mixing them with fresh whipped cream with just the right amount of vanilla added, and then spooning them onto crepes which were then rolled and dusted with powdered sugar.
I remember large containers full of brownies and cookies at Christmas. Among those are some of my favorites today including spritz cookies. I remember simple tuna salad sandwiches on hoagie rolls with potato chips inserted for a little added crunch. I remember lemon slushes, and fresh made raw egg nog, yes, made with raw eggs and put into the blender.
So many great recipes and foods are part of my adult life that originated in my younger years. On a day like today when it is so cold and so wet, and the sky is dark with clouds, and everything seems grey, nothing seems finer than to sit inside in a cheerily lit room with music or a movie playing and making great delicious comfort foods.